
12V SK6812 LED,12V SK6813 LED Come Out

Everyone knows 5V SK6812,5V SK6813 LED,those 5v led chip have a higher voltage drop when you power them more than 5m.even you power them 5m 60leds per meter led strip,when you make them light white color,the tail color consistency will be not good.So we design 2 new smart led strip,one is 12v sk6812 led chip,the other is 12v sk6813 led chip.
What's the different from those 2 new version?
For 12v sk6812 led,it has the same protocol as 5v sk6812 led,it's SPI signal,the signal is series connection,when one led signal connection is bad,then behind led will not work correctly.
For 12v sk6813 led,it has the same protocol as 5v sk6813 led,it's SPI signal too,but it have 2 signals wire,which means one led signal is broken,the behind led can still work,unless 2 adjacent led is bad.
12V SK6812 LED Datasheet:
12V SK6813 LED Datasheet: